A Black father is getting loved up on by GOP talking heads this week after dismissing the tenets of critical race theory alongside his daughter.

Kory Yeshua, who’s from Riverside County, California, originally posted a video to TikTok, before audio was removed, claiming that progressive viewpoints teach children how to judge others solely based on race and not who they are as human beings. He said that if school systems teach critical race theory, Black children will be taught they'll never receive equal treatment.

"You can be anything in this world that you want to be, right?" the video starts off. 

Speaking into the camera, Yeshua — with his 6-year-old daughter in agreement — said, "Yeah, and it doesn't matter if you're Black, or white, or any color."

"And how we treat people is based on how they are, not on what color they are," Yeshua said. 

"And if they are nice and smart," the child, Royalty, interjected.

"See, this is how children think right here. Critical race theory wants to end that. Not with my children, it’s not going to happen,” he continued “My baby is going to know that no matter what she wants to be in life, all she has to do is work hard and she can become that."

"We need to stop CRT. Period. Point blank," he pressed on. "Children do not see skin color. They love everybody. If they’re good people, they love them."

An unapologetic Black conservative, in the past, Yeshua has claimed that the Black Lives Matter movement advances the “destruction of America and the destruction of our families.”

“It’s just always the same thing, trying to teach Black and white kids that they are separate,” Yeshua explained in an interview with the Daily Mail.  “We have got enough to worry about in America, we do not need to be teaching kids that they are oppressors or oppressed based on the melanin content of their skin,” he said.

Naturally, conservatives are giddy at the idea of a young Black man denouncing a teaching that's been largely condemned in Republican circles, including by former President Donald Trump

"It's been overwhelming—the love and people reaching out to let me know I'm doing the right thing and being a good dad," Yeshua told Newsweek. "And it's been really emotional—the connection they feel towards my daughter and how passionate people are about this situation."

“I watched my mom work for 30 years and not complain—she was on welfare but worked herself out of it," he felt compelled to add. "I watched my grandma work hard for 50 years and strive towards her goals. That's just what I've seen and now I'm instilling it in my kids," he said. 

As Blavity previously reported, critical race theory has been a divisive topic in the public discourse with representatives from both sides trying to persuade others about the beliefs. 

“The idea of saying that ‘I don’t see my whiteness, I don’t recognize whiteness,’ is something we can say but to me that is something just as fantastic,” said Marc Lamont Hill, the host of Black News Tonight on The Black News Channel, in his debate with Christopher Rufo about critical race theory. 

After Yeshua’s video went viral, the audio on the post was deleted but a copy of the video is still on Yeshua’s Instagram page.