The new comedy series, Kym, from Lena Waithe and Kym Whitley, has launched. Both produce and created the series.

The Audible scripted series also stars Sherri Shepherd, David A. Arnold, Jess Hilarious, Jenifer Lewis and Cynthia Erivo. The series has original music composed by Wyclef Jean. 

Here's the official description:

Set in Los Angeles, Kym follows the fictionalized story of Kym Wilson, a single, middle-aged stand-up comic and actress trying to keep her Hollywood star rising while simultaneously raising a young boy left on her doorstep. As Kym balances showbiz demands with her son’s growing needs—and while her child’s biological mom keeps popping in and out of their lives—a hard-to-shake romance creeps back into her heart. Can Kym’s grit, talent, and cool keep everything—and everyone—in check?

Check out preview clips below:


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The series is executive produced by Whitley under her Kwick Whit Productions.

Kym is also produced by Andrew Coles of The Mission, Debra Martin Chase of Martin Chase, Skydance and Waithe’s Hillman Grad Productions.