

“Cops” is the long-running docu/reality series that follows real-life officers of the law during patrols and other police operations, created by John Langley and Malcolm Barbour, which premiered on March 11, 1989.

I’m sure most of you have watched at least one episode of it, or are at least familiar with the program.

Fox, where it originally aired, canceled it in 2013, and Spike TV  picked it up for additional seasons; the current 29th season premiered on June 4, 2016.

Now a feature film based on “Cops” is reportedly in development, with the goal being to produce something edgy, with a comedic bent, and centered around 2 buddy cops.

And while it’s not been said, I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s an interracial buddy cop pairing, creating what will essentially be another action-comedy about 2 cops, in a long line of action-comedies with 2 cops at the center (interracial or otherwise) that the Hollywood machine has produced for decades on the big and small screens. So I’m not expecting anything particularly fresh here. It might simply be an effort to capitalize on the existing brand, and produce a movie that is little like the series it’s based on. I suppose they may film it in a similar cinéma vérité style so that it looks *real* while depending almost solely on the commentary of the officers and on the actions of the people with whom they come into contact.

Ruben Fleischer (writer, director of films like “Zombieland” and “Gangster Squad”) is attached to direct (and co-produce) “Cops” the movie, from a script penned by Cameron Fay.

Creator of the “Cops” franchise, John Langley, is also involved in the adaptation in a producer capacity, along with David Bernad of The District.

The original TV show was often criticized for its predominant focus, and unfair representation of minorities and the poor as being primarily responsible for most crime in America, while ignoring the so-called white-collar criminals.

No ETA on the film adaptation at this time.

Deadline was first to report the news of a film based on the TV series.