Again, the media continues to spread the lie that the Ancient Egyptians were white with the 2017 reboot of The Mummy series, starring Tom Cruise.

Cruise finds himself at the mercy of the forgotten queen of Egypt as she bends reality to reclaim her thrown in the ruling the entire world. It is usual gimmick depicting them as evil people who are hellbent on world domination. Many of these films neglect the technical, theological and spiritual influences they have brought to the world.

As usual, the Egyptians are the bad guys and most notably white. The oddest castings were the sequels after Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson's The Scorpion King series. From parts 2 to 4, Mathayus (The Scorpion King) was white.

Are there any Alt-Right members or even Richard Spencer who can explain how a black man in one movie is white in the following sequels?

Nonetheless, the concept of a black Egyptian in film is tokenized as being random black people in a white nation or the Hollywood favorite, slaves.

Surprisingly, unlike the hogwash of Gods of Egypt, The Mummy's white leads are accepted with little to no rebuttal from mainstream media. Maybe due to the whitewashing of Ghost in a Shell and the Great Wall. The insult that black people have to deal with is that our history has been whitewashed for centuries.

We too as black people have voiced our opinions and support for the Asian community as their stories are also being whitewashed. Yet with even the greatest minds in the Afrocentric community, scholars like  Cheikh Anta Diop exposed the cover-up to make the Ancient Egyptians white. Their blackness is believable in mainstream and academia. We need our allies to not be afraid to explain amongst their own that black history is beyond slavery and oppression.

Nothing is more insulting seeing white actresses play African queens; that honor and grace belong to black women. It has been over 100 years of whitewashing (as one of the first Ancient Egyptian films was in 1912's Cleopatra starring Helen Gardner) and enough is enough.