
It's been almost 20 years since The Inkwell, his last feature film (time flies doesn't it), and the public feud between Matty Rich his and his fellow African American filmmaker, one Mr Spike Lee (Spike once referred to him as "Matty Poor" some time after Inkwell's less than ideal box office); I'm sometimes asked if I'm aware of Matty's whereabouts, what he's been up to over the years, and what his doing currently.

Well… here's your answer.

As I believe I noted in a past post on this site, at 41 years old (he'll be 42 in November) the man's gotten heavily into video game production, running his own gaming company in LA (Matty Rich Games), with plans to eventually exploit Hollywood's interest in adapting video games to film.

Essentially, while he clearly loves gaming, his interest in that medium is two-fold, in that he also sees it as a potential entryway, or I should say re-entryway back into the world of filmmaking.

So if you've been wondering what the heck Matty's up to, you should watch this interview which was recorded at the [a]List Game Marketing Summit in San Francisco in February of this year.